Our services.
1-on-1 in-person and virtual coaching
Individualized classroom values and goals articulation, unit mapping support, in-person and/or virtual classroom observations and feedback, end-of-term reflection
School staff and teaching team professional development
Workshops that include theoretical and practical instructional support, large and small group collaboration and brainstorming, thematic resource compilation, objectives-based lesson and unit planning support
Curricular scope and sequence consultation
Teaching team-based and/or individualized curriculum goals articulation, evaluation of existing scope and sequence or development of a new scope and sequence that meets instructional objectives
Youth work
Co-facilitation and/or leading facilitation of youth workshops that can include but are not limited to identity exploration, Grow Your Own Teachers program development/support, heritage language learning, etc.
School Climate Assessments
Meetings with school administration, teachers, and students to discuss the state of the school’s climate and set goals for improvement, policy, curricular, and/or pedagogical support to meet school climate improvement goals
Existing programs evaluation and consultation
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a particular program, meetings with teaching teams and school administration for program goals articulation, mapping/planning for program improvement